Radiance Psychotherapy propels relationships between neurodivergent people (ADHD, autism, dyslexia, PTSD as examples) into exciting new levels of intimacy, easeful communication, and authentic bonding.

Neurodivergent Couples Counseling

When it comes to couples therapy, neurodivergent individuals need specific support that is affirming and non-pathologizing of our unique needs.

You need to know that your therapist will hold you accountable for the impact of your actions, while still cultivating self-compassion.

You need a therapeutic space where your sensory needs won’t be dismissed, and your executive function differences won’t be misunderstood as lack of caring.

As a neurodivergent person, and as a current and former partner to ND people, I get it. And as a couples therapist, I can support you in creating a joyful, authentic relationship.

I studied Cognitive Neuroscience in undergrad, learning about how humans process and learn information. As an associate therapist, I helped identify and support neurodivergent children in the classroom through accommodations to their environment and communication.

I have applied what I learned to my work with couples with great success. I serve as a translator between partners, ensuring that communication is clear and respectful. I provide ideas for how to help minimize the risk of burnout, and teach practical skills for maintaining a healthy connection.